Sunday, May 26, 2013

How To Be A Better Singer

I have dreamt quite a few times about trying to sing a high note and messing it up- so I went to read a few articles on the internet on how to sing well.  It seems that one should not sing out of one's vocal range. Here is a link to one of the articles.

update 2/6/2013  :- here is a link on how to sing high notes.  Seem like it is the head voice that you should use to sing higher notes.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Reflections: Are All Our Dreams From God?

Not all our dreams are from God. The ones that lead us away from God are usually not from God. So sometimes we do need to take our dreams with a pinch of salt. Yet we do need to reflect on some dreams as they do teach us something sometimes. For example the other day I had  a dream of eating cheaper ice cream, so I went out to buy some-  and guess what - the cheaper ice cream tasted just as good as the expensive one that I had been eating. (update:16-4-2014 -  well this does not  apply to all ice creams as the latest  chocolate ice cream I ate  at Baskin Robbins is probably the best which can be quite expensive)

So what about the  dreams that are  not from God? Sometimes those dreams could mean that there is an underlying weakness somewhere or they could be just junk or spam! Just like in life -some of the things that people say or do may not be of any help - so we got to treat  those   as spam!  So we should not follow those dreams.

The dreams that are repeated may have a better chance of coming true. Dreams will be dreams  but  the ones that come from God usually  teach us something and help us to become better people. Don't eat too much ice cream though.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Deadly Tornado At Oklahoma

Seems there has been a deadly tornado at Oklahoma which has possibly  killed over 90 people. After reading through Wikipedia, Oklahoma appears to be one of the places that is frequently hit by tornadoes.

Death toll has been lowered to 24 in what has been considered to be one of the worst tornadoes ever to hit Oklahoma.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013

What's Buzzing? - Learning Styles

There are three main types of learning styles: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. After my 'A' levels I used quite a lot of visual learning skills and was quite successful in my studies. Lately I have started to realise that I could be also a kinesthetic learner. Kinesthetic learners usually need  to take a lot of breaks and are very physically active people. Usually people who do sports are kinesthetic learners.  So I have been doing more physical activities,taking more breaks - and this seems to have reduced my stress levels.

 Most people use a combination of the three learning styles but they usually have a clear preference for one. In my case, I was frequently using visual learning skill but more or less neglected the other ways of learning. It was effective to a certain extent but it led to more stress in my life. So it is good to develop all three styles of learning.

References:- (i)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Plumb - "Beautiful"

Nice song by Plumb here. Heard it while shopping in Tesco for the last few weeks. Finally found out  today who sings it.

Monday, May 13, 2013

What's Buzzing? - Tablet PC

There seems to be a low cost tablet for RM119 - appears to be made in China. I have my doubts about it as some of those RM10 watches I bought did not last more than a year.  Still there seems to be  some positive Amazon reviews about it.

The cheapest ones I can find over here in Ipoh are priced at RM199. Haven't  asked for any discount yet though. There are ones which cost RM400 that have phone capabilites. Some sellers say they are from Taiwan but one of them said they are mostly manufactured in China.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Owl City & Yuna - "Shine Your Way "

Malaysian music this year  hit a high note with Yuna's song being performed twice in a week on two prime-time television shows in the United States. This song was also played on Malaysian radios during the election.

United Nation: Voting Fraud in the Malaysian GE13 calls for world invigilation.

Just signed the petition above today . The link is here if you feel that the elections have been unfair -

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Boston Marathon Bombing

Seems like 3 more have been arrested but there are  no details about them.

They were Dzokhar Tsarnaev's roommates. They were arrested for allegedly getting rid of evidence in the Boston bombing suspect's dorm room.