Friday, January 24, 2014

What's Buzzing? - Account Suspended In Twitter?

I had just joined Twitter yesterday and got my account suspended in less than 24 hours - lol. I never knew that I could be that controversial!

Anyway I did feel strange while using the service. I guess it is because I am not in a sociable mood these days and Twitter is meant to be some kind of way to communicate with each other. Maybe Twitter is just not my cup of tea and really blogging is more like what I enjoy doing.

I have a  Facebook account which I do use occasionally to put some photos there. Quite a few of my friends in Facebook do not use Twitter so I guess it isn't as relevant as it is made out to be. It appears to be a popular service with other people though.

One of the nice points about Twitter is its ability to receive incoming news quickly - much of which so far has not really been that significant to me. So I guess I won't be missing Twitter much even if my account does not return.

Update: It has returned! Still not sure why it was suspended in the first place.Well, I suppose I am just glad it is back and all my tweets are still there.

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