Some short notes here on the lecture:-
make - make object code
printf is in stdio.h
main - default entry point
paranthesis - holds what is used in printf
double quotes - surround phrase
\n- newline
; - finishing a statement
make - finding the file and convert to object code
clang - compiler
clang hello.c - ls to list contents of directory - a.out
mv a.out hello and then -lcs50
in stdio.h more to printf
escape sequences
%i is a placeholder for integer
types of variables - float, int , char
in cs50 library - string and bool - Getstring etc
condition - if condition { do this }
boolean expression - if condtion and/or another condtion is true needs && and ||
switches - like if else but use cases
loops - for, do while
variables need to be defined
a program to do addition with int x=Getint();
condition-0.c - if, else at first but could not detect zero so if , else if and else used

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