The title of the course is a little bit condescending but the course itself is something to reflect on and to ask ourselves whether certain topics of it, apply to us in our daily lives. So I think the course is worth a look. There are not many stress management courses in edX that deal with what can be a very complex health issue.
I think the second week may have something in it - that we tend to live our lives without values or long term goals - hence the lack of meaning in our lives. Education is one of the key values mentioned along with relationships, which can be more important than education . Health and leisure are the other two key values that are mentioned.
As for the third week, I noticed that at times I actually wasn't thinking about what I was eating! The bottom line about this is to reflect on it and ask ourselves if it applies to us and if it does, implement it and see if it works. The course is not difficult as the questions can be repeated as many times as you want and the assignments are more or less optional, but I sense that the main purpose of this course is not to pass exams, but to learn how to cope with one of the most complex health issues, in this day and age.
It appears that there may not be an honor cert for this course but I guess that is understandable as the questions can be repeated. Anyway I still learnt something from it so it is still quite useful in that manner. Updated 5-8-2015
Here is an additional website on stress management that has some similarity to the course
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