Sunday, September 13, 2015

What's Buzzing?

Very hazy over here. I haven't seen it that bad for some time.

I bought quite a a few things last week -  a handphone, a bracket for it, a remote shutter, a wireless mouse and some kind of workout armband which was a bit of a disappointment.

The handphone is okay. (Update:My otg cable was spoilt so actually the handphone has some otg capability in it.)  I bought it as my  tablet had more or less conked out. There was an area of the screen  which was not functioning.

It cost me about RM250 but that is not too bad considering it has 1GB of RAM. So performance of it is quite smooth. The brand is Winds Mobile which is meant to be from Malaysia but  the seller seems to claim - it is mostly manufactured in China. I heard Winds Mobile was a good brand for a handphone, a couple of years ago so I decided to give it a try. I haven't checked how good is the phone line though as I had been using it more like a mini tablet.

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